There is so much hurt and hate occurring in our world today. Sometimes it is difficult to make sense of everything. Why do people say or behave in such distasteful ways? Where does discrimination even come from? What can I do to be a part of the solution instead of the problem? It is time to have a honest conversation about racism and how we can practically shift the hate.
Read MoreIn honor of National Anxiety and Depression Awareness week, let’s have a candid discussion about depression. Sometimes people call normal sadness as depression while other people may be experiencing depression but minimizing it as normal sadness. What is depression? How do I know if I or someone else is depressed? I hope to demystify clinical depression and help bring clarity to a serious issue that affects millions of people.
Read MoreWe are living in turbulent times of uncertainty and anxiety is on the rise. The latest scare is the coronavirus infecting people across the world. What do you do when you are worried about the coronavirus all the time? I want to suggest a few helpful things to focus on if you are having difficulties with your anxiety.
Read MoreFriendships are important but not always easy to create. When people say they want a friend, I am guessing they want a meaningful relationship as opposed to some shallow one. So if meaningful friendships don’t just happen, what can I do? We explore two important ingredients that are crucial to creating the relationships you want!
Read MoreThe holidays are here and there is this expectation that the only appropriate emotion is to be happy. What if you are not happy? What if you are experiencing sadness, anxiety, or frustration during the holidays? This article is aimed to normalizing these other emotions and provide some better understanding as to why people may not be happy during this time of year. Also how you can make things better for those who are suffering during the holidays.
Read MoreOne of the most frustrating experiences is self-sabotage. What is self-sabotage? It is when you get in the way of your own success,. You do the very thing that sets you up to fail. When the poor decision and consequences are over, often people are left confused and very angry at themselves. Why does self-sabotage happen? How can I make it stop? Having a clearer understanding of self-sabotage may be the key to breaking the vicious cycle.
Read MoreTo feel is to be human. I believe we have a love-hate relationship with our emotions! Sometimes emotions feel great and it gives our lives such depth while other times our emotions cause such distress and creates behavioral destruction. So what is the purpose of our emotions? What are our emotions trying to tell us? By having a better understanding behind our emotions, we are able to understand and communicate more effectively.
Read MoreIf you are in a committed relationship with a lot of conflict and distress, sometimes the intuitive last stop is couples counseling. What if that is not true? What if couples counseling at this present time would make your relationship worse? It is important to know if and when couples counseling is the right for you and your loved one.
Read MoreMany parents or family members are worried that their kid is playing too much video games. They say things like “they aren’t doing anything with their life and I’m scared that they won’t be successful.” Some people may even go as far as to say that they are “addicted” to gaming. Are these concerns really true? They can be but there is more to the story than just playing these electronic games. These online games can fulfill deep psychological and social needs. By understanding these needs, we can build a bridge into a meaningful relationship and using gaming as a clue to getting these psychological and social needs met in other places.
Read MoreThe worst part of parenting is having to discipline and punish your child. A common practice of discipline for centuries has been spanking or some version of corporeal punishment especially with younger kids who “are not reasonable.” Is this the best way to teach our kids a lesson? Are there other ways to train our kids without resorting to physical violence? Maybe it is time to re-think this strategy.
Read MoreNobody likes to feel awkward and definitely not hurt. To speak your truth can sometimes feel impossible to do but you know it needs to be done or else nothing else will change and the relationship suffers. What makes certain conversations so difficult? What can be done about it? We explore the nature of these situations and how we can set up wins in our relationships.
Read MoreYou may be seeking counseling support but asking the question “Should I see a private practice therapist or get an insurance that covers counseling through a hospital or clinic?” Finding the right therapist and setting is crucial to your personal growth and healing. So which one is better or right for you? This article will address the benefits and costs of each kind to help you make the right decision!
Read MoreBeing in the hospital setting has given me a lot of exposure around people’s fear around psych meds. I have the privilege of working alongside some amazing psychiatrists, pediatricians, and nurse practitioners who assist in providing this service but most clients initially do not want it. Why? I want to talk openly about the fears and concerns shared with me over the years and answer some of those questions around psych meds.
Read MoreParenting is so much more than what parents do but a belief about the role of parents. There are so many self-help books on the “best thing for your kids” so what do you believe? I want to break down the basic philosophies behind Science-based parenting and Christian-valued parenting which both have very valuable insights to consider. The desire to be great parents is very honorable and that endeavor is definitely worth the investment!
Read MoreThe American Psychological Association (APA) recently published the findings that young people (Generation Z) today believe they have the worst mental health compared to other generations. What are the stressors that are negatively impacting our people today? What can we do to mitigate these stressors? Here are 3 things we can do as a community to support one another.
Read MoreA brand new year for a brand new you. Is that really true? If you are thinking of making some New Year’s resolutions or personal goals (which I highly recommend), I am here to support you! Just wishing for personal growth will result in keeping that reality a wish. To make positive changes for a better version of you requires intention. Here are a few psychological tips to keep in mind for the foundation for your success!
Read MoreWe all know that we shouldn’t “Judge a book by its cover.” The reality is that some sort of judgement is made when we first meet someone and this is no less true with your therapist. So does their race matter to the degree that they can relate to a client? When can too much similarity become a problem? For answers to these questions and more, read on!
Read MoreThe field of psychology is birthed from secular roots as a way to find healing apart from God. So does spirituality play a role in counseling? I make a strong argument that YES it plays a huge role for many people and it is crucial to know your therapist’s worldview too! As an informed consumer, please read on.
Read MorePsychological trauma due to traumatic events can be life changing and the aftermath haunting even years after the experience. So what is trauma? Why does trauma continue to negatively affect people? What can someone do to be healed from their traumatic experience? Be more informed and aware of trauma and what can be done in this article.
Read MoreThere is often some confusion about “Christian Counseling” vs. “A mental health professional who is a Christian.” Does it matter? Should clients who do not identify as Christians be concerned? Should clients who identify as Christians only seek out Christian counseling? Those answers and more will be addressed in today’s article!
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